Forget about the polls.
Whenever you come across a headline about polls, or feel anxious about the election, channel your worry into action.
Register, check your registration, and read the guide to voting at
Talk to your friends and family about voting.
11 Things to Say to Persuade Someone to Vote, Time
Vote for down-ballot candidates.
What are down-ballot candidates and why should I care?
It’s Not Just About the White House: Down-ballot Voting is Important Too
Volunteer. has all kinds of ways you can get involved: make phone calls, send text messages, knock on doors and talk with voters.
You can also contact the local political party office or a candidate's campaign and ask about volunteer opportunities.
Swing Left targets donations up and down the ballot.
The Movement Voter Project gets money to effective local voting organizations.
Donate to down-ticket candidates at
I listed lots of ways people can get involved in a MetaFilter post, Many hands make light work.
You can make a difference.
Do something today.